THE MACHINE, BIG BAD WOLVES And PAINLESS Load Up Mayhem Film Festival Lineup

The stars have aligned and the Mayhem Film Festival begins on Halloween night this year, Thursday, October 31. The fest kicks off with screenings of Nicolas Roeg's Puffball followed by a screening of Don't Look Now at the oldest parish in Nottingham, St. Mary's Church! Then the mayhem continues back at the Broadway Cinema all weekend long with a batch of current festival circuit favorites so you can keep the spirit going through to Sunday night!
So tell your mum she is just going to have to go it alone this year and get your pass at the festival site here.
Mayhem will open its 2013 edition with internationally-acclaimed British Director Nicolas Roeg who will be presenting his most recent film Puffball as well as taking part in a very special screening of his masterpiece Don't Look Now in the wonderful settings of St Mary's Church in the Lace Market.Other special guests for the festival include American Director Brian Netto who will be presenting Delivery, The Borderlands Director Elliot Goldner and Producer Jennifer Handorf, and Director Caradog James and Producer John Giwa-Amu for hi-tech British dark sci-fi The Machine. Mayhem are also pleased to host a special BAFTA screening of Jeremy Lovering's In Fear which follows a young couple being tormented while driving in the countryside.With a total of 17 screenings, Mayhem will present their first silent film screening, Tod Browning's classic The Unknown with a specially commissioned original score by 8MM Orchestra. The rest of the programme includes screenings of cult classics Lifeforce (1985) and Wake in Fright (1971), the ever popular selection of Scary Shorts, and preview screenings of Haunter from Cube Director Vincenzo Natali, 70s disco slasher Discopath, Belgo-French production The Strange Colour of your Body's Tears, pre-CGI DIY homage The Demon's Rook, vampire tale Kiss of the Damned, Spanish dark fairy tale Painless, and Israeli horror Big Bad Wolves from the makers of Rabies. The festival will also see the return of the Quiz of Fear, presented by "Strange Things Are Happening" David Flint.THURSDAY 31 OCTOBER5.45PM PUFFBALL with Q&A with Director Nicolas RoegDir. Nicolas Roeg, 2007 (UK) with Kelly Reilly and Miranda Richardson8.30PM DON'T LOOK NOW at St Mary's Church with Director's Q&ADir. Nicolas Roeg, 1973 (UK/ITA) with Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland11.30PM HAUNTERDir. Vincenzo Natali, 2013 (CAN) with Abigail Breslin and Stephen McHattieFRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER6.15PM THE STRANGE COLOUR OF YOUR BODY'S TEARSDir. Helene Cattet & Bruno Forzani, 2013 (BEL/FRA)8.15PM DELIVERY with Director's Q&ADir. Brian Netto, 2013 (USA) with Danny Barclay and Laurel Vail10.30PM DISCOPATHDir. Renaud Gauthier, 2013 (CAN) with Katherine Cleland and Ivan FreudSATURDAY 2 NOVEMBER12PM THE DEMON'S ROOKDir. James Sizemore, 2013 (USA) with James Sizemore and Ashleigh Jo Sizemore2PM KISS OF THE DAMNEDDir. Xan Cassavetes, 2013 (USA) with Roxane Mesquida and Joséphine de la Baume4PM THE BORDERLANDS with Q&A with Director Elliot Goldner and ProducerJennifer HandorfDir. Elliot Goldner, 2013 (UK) with Gordon Kennedy and Robin Hill6.30PM SCARY SHORTSDir. Various, 2013 (International)8.30PM THE MACHINE with Q&A with Director Caradog James and Producer JohnGiwa-AmuDir. Caradog James, 2013 (UK) with Toby Stephens and Caity Lotz11.30PM LIFEFORCEDir. Tobe Hooper, 1985 (UK/USA) with Steve Railsback and Mathilda MaySUNDAY 3 NOVEMBER12PM WAKE IN FRIGHTDir. Ted!Kotcheff, 1971 (AUS) with Gary Bond2.15PM PAINLESSDir. Juan Carlos Medina, 2012 (SPA) with Alex Brendemuhl and Tomas Lemarquis4.30PM BAFTA presents IN FEAR with special guestsDir. Jeremy Lovering, 2013 (UK) with Iain De Caestecker and Alice Englert7.30PM THE UNKNOWN with live accompaniment by 8MM OrchestraDir. Tod Browning, 1927 (USA) with Lon Chaney and Joan Crawford9PM QUIZ OF FEAR - THE FLINTERROGATIONPresented by David Flint10PM BIG BAD WOLVESDir. Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado, 2013 (ISR) with Lior Ashkenazi and DvirBenedek
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