Ard's Dozen Of Musings About 2024

Editor, Europe; Rotterdam, The Netherlands (@ardvark23)
Normally around this time of January I give an overview of impressions I got in the previous year. Why me? What makes me so special? Well... sometimes, in the past, I actually hadn't seen enough films to properly participate in the regular "Top 10" list but still wanted to talk about a few. So I started writing about six things, which made me remember eight, then I realized I could actually do ten anyway, and then decided to add two things I wanted to say as well. I published a 'dozen of musings' (for lack of a better title) and the practice stuck.

This year, as I'm finishing the twelve bullets below, it strikes me that I wrote the first of these exactly a decade ago. How time flies, and that was never any truer than in 2024... even though it was relatively long, being a leap year! You can check all the old ones here: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014... Well, I'm not changing the formula, so once again you get some of my personal highlights and lowlights of the past year. My favorite films, my favorite viewing experiences (not necessarily the same...), what I bought, what I regretted...

Click on the edge of the pictures to scroll through all bullets, and I hope you have fun with at least some of them!


After a long wait we finally got the see the second half of Denis Villeneuve's adaptation of Frank Herbert's book Dune, creatively named Dune: Part Two. Expectations were high as this film would cover arguably the most fun and interesting parts of the novel, a lot of which was adequately teased in the first film.

Well, the second film hit like a rocket and was for many a highlight of the year. Seen on the largest screen with the boomiest sound, it was definitely worth the visit. But interestingly, while the first film topped our annual Top 10 back in 2021, this second film... isn't even in the top 20 this year. What happened? Was it released too early in the year for people to remember?

Opinions in our team were pretty divided actually. Kurt was slightly below lukewarm in his review, and when I asked the other writers what they though the end result was mixed. For me, it delivered on spectacle but left me cold on the motivations of the lead character. Villeneuve says that filming Dune was a lifelong dream, but I do not get what message he's trying to share with me.

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