ScreenAnarchy's Top Movies Of The First Half Of 2019
With 2020 only half a year away, let's do the mid-2019 Top-Ten thing. We asked our staff of writers and editors what, in their opinion, were the best films this year so far. And because that's too easy, as writer of this article I asked them to list them five-to-one, so I could put all of their lists in a spreadsheet and run some sort of logical yet unfair formula on it. I aim to please.
Because these lists are never definite anyway; I mean, none of us have seen all films this year, and some of us saw several titles last year already, while others of us are still waiting to see them arrive in our corner of the world, later this year.
No matter: lists are fun, and every title on here had several backers behind it, so they must have had something going for them.
Because these lists are never definite anyway; I mean, none of us have seen all films this year, and some of us saw several titles last year already, while others of us are still waiting to see them arrive in our corner of the world, later this year.
No matter: lists are fun, and every title on here had several backers behind it, so they must have had something going for them.
Eric Ortiz Garcia, Dustin Chang, Zach Gayne, Christopher Webster, James Marsh, Ernesto Zelaya Miñano, Jim Tudor, Niels Matthijs, Matt Brown, Shelagh Rowan-Legg, Kurt Halfyard, Loïc Valceschini, Peter Martin and Michele "Izzy" Galgana
contributed to this story.

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