Tag: keyart

Friday One Sheet: OXANA

There is no point in subtlety in street protest. And the poster for French-Ukranian biopic of Oxana Chatchko aims to confront - in the movie poster context. Swearing, political slogans, and toplessness are all part of activist group FEMEN's modus operandi...

Friday One Sheet: TODO LO QUE NO SÉ

Typography so interesting that the lead character cannot help but stare at it.  The warm, creamy key art for Ana Lambarri's Todo lo que no sé (translation: Everything I Don't Know) is from Spanish designer Octavio Terol Bernabé. It checks a lot of...


Warm and desolate at the same time, Yun Xie's tight 75 minute science fiction picture, Under The Burning Sun is a road trip across the desert; a journey to an uncertain freedom by a solitary pregnant woman. The key art may...

Friday One Sheet: Calgary Underground 2025

"Lowbrow maximalist illustrations brimming with thoughtful puns, juicy buns, and innuendo." This is how illustrator Hamburger Hands (aka Kyle Schneider) describes his work, here for the 22nd Calgary Underground Film Festival, and its key art. It is an ode to Underground Comix...


Here is a beautiful use of text and negative space, from IFFR, The International Film Festival Rotterdam in south Holland. Christina Friedrich's film may have a lengthy, and debatably cumbersome title, The Night Is Dark And Colder Than The Day,...

Friday One Sheet: I LOVE YOU FOREVER

For Cazzie David and Elisa Kalani's anti RomCom, I Love You Forever, the key art is all about the blank white wall. I know I have been going on for some time about the death of movie credit blocks on...


Giving off a serious Greek Tragedy aesthetic, the key art for James Ashcroft's psychological thriller, The Rule of Janny Pen, leans into hollowed eyes, textured porcelain, and creepy doll vibes.   There is a kind of shadowy minimalism going on here,...

Friday One Sheet: A Japanese Four Poster Tribute to David Lynch

I will not say too much in this column on the passing of cinematic master and icon, David Lynch, as there will be more on the subject to follow in the coming days. Few filmmakers left a more lasting impression...

Friday One Sheet: A WORKING MAN

Is there a more succinct description of Jason Statham's career than the title of David Ayer's latest collaboration with him?  The graphic designer of the poster seems to think that there is not, given how prominently it features here.  The...

Friday One Sheet: The Best Posters of 2024

If there was one trend I saw when selecting Key Art for this column in all of 2024, it was nearly every designer doing their utmost to not include the credit block. Either there was an unusual number of teaser...

Friday One Sheet: EYES WIDE SHUT @ 25

As is tradition for this column, the penultimate entry before the year's end is an alternate poster for Stanley Kubrick's final film, Eyes Wide Shut. I like this one for its simplicity of execution. Take a postcard for the famous...

Friday One Sheet: HOT FROSTY (Sorry)

I apologized in the title, and I apologize again here, for propagating the deluge of Christmas themed romantic and family slop on the various streaming services. Recently this is providing much needed work for Lindsay Lohan, albeit Lohan does not appear the...

Friday One Sheet: PÁRVULOS

After featuring a number of key art that left the standard credit block out the design, it is nice to see this poster from Mexico's festival darling coming-of-age plague-zombie film, Párvulos, has a more traditional sense, where they are tucked...

Friday One Sheet: THE BRUTALIST

Typography is no stranger to the design of Brady Corbet's "Monumental" new film, The Brutalist. The credits in both the film, and its recent trailer, do interesting things. This carries into this iconic poster, with the Statue of Liberty upside...

Friday One Sheet: THE ORDER

I am generally indifferent to collage style posters, particularly when designers transitioned from hand-painted to photoshop. However, I do admire the commitment to verticality taken by design house, Fable, for Justin Kurzel's neo-nazi procedural, The Order. The pull quotes, the above...

Friday One Sheet: DEAD MAIL

Delightfully low-fi and textured, the key art for Joe DeBoer's and Kyle McConaghy's Dead Mail not only is a great reflection of the analog style of the film, but also offers a significant amount of information about the plot. The...

Friday One Sheet: GULIZAR

A simple, melancholy image forms most of the design for the key art of Belkis Bayrak's Gülizar. A woman in a car presses her hands up to the glass, eyes downcast, as if saying goodbye to her world for the last...

Friday One Sheet: HARD TRUTHS

Faces go a long way in poster; there is a wonderful pairing here. The design for Mike Leigh's latest film (premiering today at TIFF) uses text, both the soft yellow of the title, as well as above the line and...


Anywhere Anytime, pays homage to Vittorio De Sica’s post-war poverty classic, The Bicycle Thief, but updated to the modern delivery economy. Like the stripped down cinéma vérité of that film, which nearly single-handedly created a new aesthetic of storytelling on film, the...

Friday One Sheet: ANOTHER END

The second poster for Piero Messina's Another End features two lovers sleeping towards each other, almost touching hands, on an 'endless' bed of beige. For me, it evokes the key art for Atom Egoyan's 1997 Canadian masterpiece, The Sweet Hereafter.  The...