Friday One Sheet: The Best Posters of 2022

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada

Here we are at the end of another year. Perhaps the oddest one for key art, if only because I cannot note a single trend or commonality. Typically, by the time the end of a year rolls around, there is some kind of pattern, theme, a colour scheme, or even some kind of gimmick that a few designers or art directors have latched (or lean) onto.  

If I had to pick something that appealed to my senses over and over again this year, however, it is that people are small, and are rendered smaller by the great and ominous world around them.

Browse the gallery below for what stood out in 2022.

This Quad style poster for Lucile Hadžihalilović's Earwig was designed by the iconic Laurent Lufroy. It echoes a piece of art used in the film, but here, it features the two principal characters, a young girl and her mysterious caretaker as they leave the insular world of their large postwar apartment, and navigate a strange, fecund world outside.

The film is a dark parenting faerie tale, and this key art certainly evokes a house on fire.

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