Tag: davidayer
THE BEEKEEPER 2: Statham to Return, NOBODY 2's Timo Tjahjanto to Direct
Cool news from Deadline this morning. Miramax is going ahead with a sequel to their hit action flick, The Beekeeper. Jason Statham will return for the titular role. What's very cool about this news is that Timo Tjahjanto (Nobody 2,...
Friday One Sheet: A WORKING MAN
Is there a more succinct description of Jason Statham's career than the title of David Ayer's latest collaboration with him? The graphic designer of the poster seems to think that there is not, given how prominently it features here. The...
Review: THE TAX COLLECTOR, A Career Low for David Ayer
Bobby Soto, Shia LaBeouf and Cinthya Carmona star in writer-director David Ayer's action-crime film.
Review: SUICIDE SQUAD, Not So Painless
Warner Brothers has aggressively set out to course-correct its still-fledgling DC Comics Cinematic Universe with Suicide Squad - a villain-fueled movie that wants you to believe it's off the hook, man! It's no lie that director David Ayer's (Fury, the...
SUICIDE SQUAD: The New Trailer, It's What Bad Guys Do
Well, here you go. Here is the new trailer for DC's Suicide Squad, due out on August 5th. I imagine that all eyes are going to be on Margot Robbie this Summer. By the looks of it she gets a lot...
SUICIDE SQUAD: Here's Will Smith As Deadshot
One of the immediate questions that came up from the cast of Suicide Squad in costume shot released earlier this evening was if that was the complete costume of Will Smith as Deadshot. Where was his cybernetic eye, asked the...
SUICIDE SQUAD: Here Is The First Pic Of The Cast In Costume
Here you go. The first pic of the cast of Suicide Squad in costume. Director David Ayer tweeted the pic around an hour ago with the caption, "Task Force X assembled and ready."LtoR: Adam Beech as Slipknot, Jai Courtney as Capt. Boomerang,...
SUICIDE SQUAD: Your First Look At Jared Leto As The Joker
Well. This is certainly a little more Sex Pistols than I was prepared for. Suicide Squad director David Ayer unveiled Jared Leto's Joker today via his Twitter account. The Suicide Squad wishes you a Happy Anniversary Mr. J! I have long been...
Destroy All Monsters: I Don't Want To See A Movie Called SUICIDE SQUAD
It's the title of an existing comic book, and I understand that; and given DC's track record, at least since Watchmen, it's likely to be a hit-and-fade barrage of generic marketing bolstering a bafflingly undercooked Guardians of the Galaxy knockoff...
Review: FURY Treads On Unsettled Ground
I found myself liking Fury almost against my best judgment, ignoring some of its overt flaws in favour of enjoying the ride. It might be because I'm a sucker for claustrophobic battle films. It may have been Das Boot...
FURY: Brad Pitt Battles Germans And Shia LaBeouf's Moustache In Trailer For David Ayer's Latest
The simple fact that Brad Pitt is christened 'Wardaddy' would be enough for me to write off David Ayer's Fury from the outset- that and the fact that it also stars the perennially irritating Shia LaBeouf - if not for...
Review: SABOTAGE, A Genuinely Gripping And Suspenseful Thriller
What's easy to forget about Arnold Schwarzenegger is that he excels in roles that maximize his strengths. His range may be limited, but make him the unquestioned leader of a hard-bitten team of DEA undercover operatives, give him a script...
SABOTAGE: Arnie And The DEA Take On The Cartel In First Trailer
Arnold Schwarzenegger straps on a carbine assault rifle and takes on a drug cartel in the upcoming action flick Sabotage. Sam Worthington, Terrence Howard and Olivia Williams also star. The first trailer is out and is pretty much what you...
Hey, ScreenAnarchy! Win END OF WATCH On Blu-ray!
Gritty cop drama End Of Watch won a great deal of love here in the pages of ScreenAnarchy with a glowingly positive review by Scott Weinberg and if you missed it in the theater - or saw it and loved...
TIFF 2012 Review: END OF WATCH, a Gritty, Realistic Police Story
If there's one filmmaker out there who is clearly and passionately interested in the psychology of modern police officers, it'd have to be screenwriter turned director David Ayer. Although his first release was the submarine thriller U-571, all of his...