THE ARTIFICE GIRL, MAD HEIDI, LOLA and More Win at Trieste Festival

The Trieste Science+Fiction Festival wrapped up this weekend, and awards were given to some worthy winners. Having been on a jury myself at this festival, I can attest to the quality of their selections and the difficult deliberations to choose the best among worthy films. We're glad to see some of our notable films of this year, such as The Artifice Girl and Vesper among the winners, as well as some films we're adding to our must-see list. Congratulations to the winners, more details in the press release below.
"I couldn’t be more thrilled that my first year as artistic director of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival has culminated in our Juries of seasoned professionals choosing what I also consider the best sci-fi 2022 has to offer", writes Alan Jones. "From the provocative and compelling The Artifice Girl with its stunning script and The Visitor From the Future landing the smiles and spectacle to the fabulously inventive Lola and the alternate world building masterpiece Vesper, Trieste S+F has shown it importance and stature as a festival of international standing on the world, the universe even, stage. And now on to preparing for our 60th Anniversary event in 2023 which is already looking like an extravaganza of epic proportions… “
TS+FF 2022 Asteroide Award winner
The Artifice Girl by Franklin Ritch (USA, 2022)
Special mention to The Visitor From the Future by François Descraques (France, 2022)
The international competition for the best science fiction, horror and fantasy film is reserved for the first, second or third works by emerging directors. The prize is awarded by an international jury composed by Neil Marshall, Buddy Giovinazzo and Monica Garcia Massague.
Statement: We believe that the film weaves an intelligent story, brilliantly played and is very challenging. This film demonstrates a beneficial use of technology in a future full of questions about humanity and its coexistence with artificial intelligence.
TS+FF 2022 Méliès d’argent Award winner – Feature Films
Lola by Andrew Legge (UK / Ireland, 2022)
Special Mention: Vesper by Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper (Lituania/Francia/Belgio, 2022)
The competition is organized in collaboration with the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) and is reserved for European fantastic feature films. The prize is awarded by an international jury composed by Giles Edwards, Loris Curci and Maura McHugh.
Statement: We choose the winner based on the inventive execution of its unique vision, its captivating performances, and its joyful recognition of the essential human need for music as a form of expression, especially during periods of turmoil. After all, who can live in a future without David Bowie?
TS+FF2022 Méliès d’argent Award winner – Short Films
68.415 di Antonella Sabatino e Stefano Blasi (Italia, 2022)
The competition is organized in collaboration with the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) and the award goes to the best European short film. The winner of the competition is chosen by the theatre audience votes and also wins the nomination to the Méliès d’or annual competition.
Audience Award:
Mad Heidi di Johannes Hartmann e Sandro Klopfstein (Switzerland, 2022)
TS+FF2022 Rai 4 Award winner
Piove by Paolo Strippoli (Italia, 2022)
Special Mention: LOLA bu Andrew Legge
Wonderland – Rai4 Award
The award is given by the Rai 4 channel of Italian television, media partner of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival, to one of the movies of the Neon section.
Vincitore Premio CineLab Spazio Corto TS+FF 2022
L’isola dei resuscitati morti di Domenico Montixi (Italia, 2022)
Menzione Speciale: Un’ora sola di Serena Corvaglia, (Italia, 2023)
CineLab Spazio Corto Award
The CineLab Spazio Corto Award is organized in collaboration with DAMS (Arts, Music and Entertainment department) of the Universities of Udine and Trieste. The award is given by a jury of students to the best Italian short film in the Spazio Italia | Spazio Corto section.