Tag: shudder
Plus: 'Goosebumps: The Vanishing,' as the streaming season resumes.
Horror comes in many forms: docu-drama, anthology, and comic (?!).
Now Streaming: Shudder, Kicking Off December Horror
What do 'Village of the Damned,' 'Dead Calm,' and 'Rare Exports' have in common?
RITA Review: Horrific Dark Fantasy That Inspires and Infuriates
Jayro Bustamante's ('La Llorona') magical-realist thriller is now streaming on Shudder.
Now Streaming: Horror in November Includes CHILDREN SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS, BLACK CAB, RITA, and More Terror
Horror fans, don't be blue! Just because the Halloween season concluded yesterday, there are still plenty of frightening flicks that await your discovery and/or revisitation. Our favorite horror-focused streamer, Shudder, announced their slate for the Fall and Holiday seasons last...
V/H/S BEYOND Review: Horror Anthology Goes to Outer Space and Back
If it’s October, it’s practically Halloween and if it’s Halloween, then it’s time for Shudder’s horror-themed found footage anthology, V/H/S, to make its yearly return to the streaming service. V/H/S Beyond, the fourth entry in as many years, its seventh...
Fantastic Fest 2024 Review: MADS, Wide-Eyed Descent Into Apocalypse
One of my favorite films of Fantastic Fest 2024 was this taut piece of single-take cinema from France. An already high teen visits his dealer hoping to score the latest designer drug. But before he can get to the ,...
Now Streaming: ODDITY. You're in Trouble Now.
Damian McCarthy directed. Carolyn Bracken, Gwilym Lee, and Tadhg Murphy star. Now streaming on Shudder.
Fantastic Fest 2024 Review: DADDY'S HEAD Is a Dangerous Place
Friends who express curiosity about my love for horror films are often surprised to hear that, beyond the thrills and chills they provide, I also find them comforting. There are the obvious childhood associations born of discovering them when I...
DARIO ARGENTO PANICO Review: One for the Fans, And Only the Fans
Biodocs are always in danger of becoming hagiographies, especially when their subjects participate in the film and are offered the opportunity to self-mythologize. They’re also always in danger of closing themselves off to any viewers not already familiar with their...
THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER Review: Bold and Fearsome, Combining Horror and Social Commentary in New Ways
Laya DeLeon Hayes, Denzel Whitaker, Chad L. Coleman, Reilly Brooke Stith and Keith Holliday star in a horror thriller, directed by Bomani J. Story.
HUESERA: THE BONE WOMAN Review: Psychological Horror That Cuts to the Bone
Valerie and her partner Raul are trying to have their first child. While she appears convinced in this pursuit, there is doubt rising. This is made even worse by her own mom and sister, questioning if she is ready...
Review: CHRISTMAS BLOODY CHRISTMAS, Joe Begos Paints The Holiday Season With Neon And Blood
It's Christmas Eve and fiery record store owner Tori just wants to get drunk and party, until the robotic Santa Claus at a nearby toy store goes haywire and makes her night more than a little complicated.
Review: SATAN'S SLAVES: COMMUNION, The Silver Lining Is...
Jakarta, Indonesia. 1985. Years after the terrible events of the first film, we catch up with the remaining members of the Suwono family. Rini, her younger siblings, Toni and Bondi, and their Father, Bahri, now live in an apartment...
Review: SPEAK NO EVIL, Politeness Can Often Backfire
Some people -- your humble critic included -- can find it very difficult to say no in social situations. Extricating oneself from uncomfortable circumstances can be a challenge, especially when it seems like the end of the unease is in...
Review: WHAT JOSIAH SAW Screams With Quiet Violence
An oil company is buying up land around an all but dead American town in the South. One of the last holdouts is the old Graham place on the outskirts. However, it comes with a warning - the land...
Review: GOOD MADAM, Chilling Haunted House Story
Laws might change, but it can takes years, or even generations, to change a society and how it operates. What's bred in the bone cannot be easily overturned, and even as some people might techncially have the hard-fought freedom they...
Review: In MAD GOD, Monsters Run Amuck
Master stop-motion animator Phil Tippett's unsettling, yet still somewhat perversely mesmerizing spectacle, is a marvel to behold.
Review: THE CELLAR Borrows Liberally From Haunted House Lore
Elisha Cuthbert and Eoin Macken star in an Irish horror film, directed by Brendan Muldowney.
Review: THE SPINE OF NIGHT Will Knock Your Block Off
Written and directed by Philip Gelatt and Morgan Galen King, the animated fantasy epic features the voices of Richard E. Grant, Lucy Lawless, Patton Oswalt, Holly Gabriel and Joe Manganiello.