Tag: damonherriman

Sundance 2025 Review: TOGETHER, Body Horror Meets Folk Horror in Engrossing Genre Mash-Up

As a corollary to the “don’t buy a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere” folk-horror trope, don’t venture off-trail, negligently slip and fall into a massive hole in the ground. And whatever you do, don’t drink any water you find...

Sundance 2023 Review: RUN RABBIT RUN, Come for Psychological Horror, Stay for Sarah Snook

Not surprisingly given its country of origin, Australia, or its subject matter, the fraught, conflicted, inter- and intra-generational relationships between mothers and daughters, Daina Reid and Hannah Kent’s chilling, if overlong, psychological horror film, Run Rabbit Run, brings Jennifer Kent’s...

Interview: Emile Hirsch on MIDNIGHT IN THE SWITCHGRASS, Working with Friedkin and Tarantino

“The most significant young performance in generations in American film” is how Sean Penn described Emile Hirsch's work on the epic Into the Wild. Hirsch physically transformed himself to bring to the screen the liberating and deadly adventure of Chris...

Exclusive JUDY & PUNCH Clip: Puppet Show Hits Hard

A show that dates back to the 16th century is turned on its head in Mirrah Foulkes' Judy & Punch, starring Mia Wasikowska and Damon Herriman as the legendary titular characters. We have an exclusive clip -- NSFW, possibly, due...

Review: THE NIGHTINGALE, Dark, Bleak, Horrifying

Aisling Franciosi stars in director Jennifer Kent's historic drama.

Sundance 2019 Interview: Mia Wasikowska, Damon Herriman, Director Mirrah Foulkes Talk JUDY & PUNCH

As anyone who's spent far too much time perusing the Internet for ancient photos of terrifying clowns genuinely intended to entertain children, as I have, can tell you, history had some confused notions of how best to delight youngsters. Take,...

Fantastic Fest 2016 Review: DOWN UNDER, Not a Land of Racial Wonder, But Maybe It Should Be

The day after massive race riots in Sydney, Australia some 10 years ago, two carloads of impassioned and perplexed characters are moved to respond, calling upon deeply felt emotions that surge out of their bodies like cascading waves. What could...

Giveaway: Win Yerself 100 BLOODY ACRES, Y'all!! On DVD.

This movie -- 100 Bloody Acres -- is simply outstanding in it's field. Very simply. Rednecks? check. Gore? Check. Meat Grinder? Check. Flying nuns? Sorry. Sally Field could not be reached for comment. But I have no doubt she would...


Welcome back to The Stack! This week we're dividing the show into two separate episodes so I can finally catch up from Fantastic Fest. Look for October 8 releases to be covered on Wednesday October 9. In the mean time...

The Brothers Of Morgan's Organic Have Something To Sell You In These Exclusive 100 BLOODY ACRES Spots!

Mmm. Bone meal. Your plants think it's yummy but it may be best if you don't think too hard about where it comes from. And that's doubly true if you happen to be buying yours from Morgan's Organic, the family...

It's Organic Blood And Bone In The 100 BLOODY ACRES Trailer

Coming to cinemas and VOD in North America from June 28 is 100 Bloody Acres, the fantastic comedy horror debut from Colin and Cameron Cairnes. Like the Leyland brothers and Spierigs before them, the Cairnes brothers are carving out a...

Watch The Increasingly Angry Morgan Brothers Tell You To Buy Australian

I'm loving this 100 Bloody Acres secondary marketing campaign. Directing brothers Colin and Cameron Cairnes have applied their considerable talents to putting together a series of fake ads that brilliantly parody the terrible Australian TV ads made by well-meaning but...

100 BLOODY ACRES Teaser: Morgans Organic Will Get Your Garden Growin' Great!

During the Melbourne International Film Festival last year, one of the most raucous premieres was for horror comedy 100 Bloody Acres. While it starts off as a slow burn, once it gets going the movie is pretty damn funny -...


Because nobody enjoys a sore lumbar....

100 BLOODY ACRES Shreds Key Art

One of the highlights at the just-finished Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) this year was undoubtedly Colin and Cameron Cairnes' unhinged horror comedy 100 Bloody Acres. A perfect festival experience and one to see in a big midnight crowd, the...

MIFF 2012 Review: 100 BLOODY ACRES Is A Bloody Good Time At The Movies

Here's a likely scenario for a fun genre piece: three friends Sophie (the lovely Anna McGahan) James (Oliver Ackland) and Wesley (James Kristian) are travelling through the countryside to a music festival, their car breaks down and amidst turbulent relations...