Friday One Sheet: MONKEY MAN

No beating about the bush with this one. With its saturated reds, high grain, and brooding intensity, the key art for Dev Patel's Monkey Man signals blood and tightly bound bombast. Eschewing a standard credit block, and putting all text in the upper right (as if it were a thought bubble in Patel's brain), makes for more of a teaser poster, which in a way it kind of is. It also emphasizes a deep crimson backdrop for the face of the director/star of the film.
Simplicity is often best for these sorts of things. By all accounts, after a long 'limbo' of the film not being released, Jordan Peele's (appropriately named) Monkey Paw Productions is giving it a full studio release with Universal, and design house LA, delivers here on the one property known to most audiences: The lead actor. I appreciate the minimalism going in, to what appears to be, a rather maximalist film.