ScreenAnarchy's Top 10 Films Of The First Half Of 2023

Editor, Europe; Rotterdam, The Netherlands (@ardvark23)
Thanks to February being so short, the first of July is technically still in the first half of the year. It was only yesterday at noon that we all moved into the second half, but we're here now and that means it is time to make a list of what 2023 has brought us so far... Seventeen writers answered my call for lists, and together they produces sixty titles. A lot of those had been seen by only one person, which makes you wonder: what would the list be like if all seventeen had seen all sixty films? Alas, such is the nature of "best-of" lists. Because of all that, please do treat the list as a gently guiding hand and not an absolute scale of merit. A viewer's enjoyment of a film is by definition subjective. Don't get mad if your favorite isn't mentioned here, and don't scoff at (un)popular titles which made it in. Instead, join us on social media (Twitter, Facebook) and tell us about your own favorites!

Anyway, here's our list, and we start with the 'runners-up'. So if you clicked on this article thinking that Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves was our number one, ehm... it's not. Fun film though!

Kyle Logan, James Marsh, Peter Martin, Shelagh Rowan-Legg, Mel Valentin, Brian Clark, Martin Kudlac, Kurt Halfyard, Ernesto Zelaya Miñano, Theodoor Steen, Zach Gayne, Ben Umstead, Dustin Chang, Eric Ortiz Garcia, Niels Matthijs and Matt Brown contributed to this story.


11: Polite Society
12: Sisu
13: M3GAN
14: I Like Movies
15: De Humani Corporis Fabrica
16: Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
(see picture above)
17: The Five Devils
18: The First Slam Dunk
19: Dalva
20: Samsara

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