Friday One Sheet: SINGLE MOTHER

The key art for Lenara Serazheva's short film, Single Mother, offers a stark, simple image that conveys a lot with a little.
Reminiscent of the classic scene from Kon Satoshi's Perfect Blue, which was later appropriated by Darren Aronofsky in Requiem for a Dream, there is a certain cinematic pedigree that, accidentally or intentionally, is tapped into here by Argentinian design house Gruiner.
Minimal, very tiny text, does not get in the way of the design, with Title in the lower third, and standard credit block at the very bottom. It is worth nothing the effective use of the vertical here, which is typically done with high ceiling rooms and curtains. Here it is a bit of a paradox given the open vertical space is actually a claustrophobic and tight bath tub.
Meanwhile, the muted, fluorescent lit colour palette here also emphasizes the strain of the mental on the physical body, particularly the shoulders, and the self-gripping of her arms. This design is an eye grabber in its powerful simplicity.