Friday One Sheet: PUSH

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada
Friday One Sheet: PUSH

Hot Docs is coming to Toronto, and what better way to celebrate that than with a documentary on the increasing urban-global housing crisis (of which several Canadian cities qualify). Fredrik Gertten's documentary examines the 'gentrification' issue in a variety of key cities around the world. Unrelated, but really, have a look at Pang Ho-Cheung's 2010 real-estate slasher Dream Home as a fictional companion piece.

The key art for Push has a nice echo to Saul Bass's opening titles work on North By Northwest, which was later repurposed for a real-estate slash home-invasion thriller by David Fincher, the underrated Panic Room.

The black tiles that make up the bulk of the poster here, resemble apartment buildings, and also individual units within any given high-rise development. Coming (ahem...pushing) up from below, and creating stress on the symmetry/balance/harmony, are the white text blocks; the various stress-vectors these desirable cities centres currently face. The main title of the film is squeezed and jostled into entropy off-center. 

It is a lovely, elegant, minimal design.


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barcelonadocumentaryfriday one sheetkey artlondonposterpushsantiagotorontoFredrik Gertten

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