ScreenAnarchy's Top Movies Of The First Half Of 2016
So now that we are at 2016's halfway point, what films have managed to impress and touch us most? We put the question to the editorial staff, and 21 replied with a top 5, from which we cobbled together a top 10, and a list of 10 runners-up.
Mind, not all titles travel fast, so some films may be from last year, or will be released later but have been screened at festivals already. All in all, every contributor had at least some films on his/her list which were exclusive to that person. In total, we have 74 titles, and I would lie if I said I've seen most of those. Therefore, a complete list of all those titles can be found at the end of our countdown.
Click through the images, and check if your own favorites are on our list! Speaking of which, HAVE YOUR SAY and chime in, in the comments!
Jaime Grijalba Gomez, Shelagh Rowan-Legg, Daniel Rutledge, Dustin Chang, Christopher O'Keeffe, Andrew Mack, Stuart Muller, Eric Ortiz Garcia, Loïc Valceschini, Ernesto Zelaya Miñano, James Marsh, Brian Clark, Martin Kudlac, Hugo Ozman, Kurt Halfyard, Benjamin Umstead, Jim Tudor, Peter Martin, Pierce Conran and Kwenton Bellette
contributed to this story.