Have Your Say: How Corrupt Do You Think We Are?

Ugh... I wish things were that simple. It's fun to be able to claim you're untouchable, and of such strong moral fiber that you're incorruptible. But let's be honest, it would be even MORE fun if I could claim all those things while companies would bother to try and seduce me. As the guys over at Penny Arcade Webcomic stated when they discussed sites being bought for positive reviews: "Where do I sign up for that?"
I've written positive, wait, VERY positive reviews for Marvel films in the past. Hell. I even got quoted on some 3D-IMAX posters. Think I got offered a 3D-pile of cash for that? Nope. Maybe thrashing DCEU films is where the real money is...
So let's make this fascinating topic the target of our gaze: how corrupt do you think we are here at Screen Anarchy? Are there articles you'd place question marks around? Doubts raised?
Chime in, in the comments below, and HAVE YOUR SAY!!
Comments cost USD 1,95 and... nah, just kidding.
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