Morbido 2015: WE ARE STILL HERE, TURBO KID, BASKIN In First Massive Wave, Official Poster Unveiled

¡Dios mío! Today our friends at the Morbido Film Festival are unveiling the first wave of programming for this year's festival. It is a whopper of an announcement.
After you are done scanning the massive list of titles, come back and gaze fondly upon the gorgeous, and perhaps terrifying, new poster for this year's festival. I know the theme of this year's festival is death ceremonies and Morbido moved the festival ahead this year so we will be in town for Dias De Los Muertos. I though maybe there would be a parade and I would finally get that death mask I have always wanted. This poster hints at something a little more... primal. My travelling companion this year will not be more than an arm's length away from me that weekend.
Back to the lineup!
I immediately recognize a couple titles out of the Latin American feature film lineup. The first is Lex Ortega's Atroz. We have remained in contact since we met at Morbido a couple years back and when he found out I was coming this year he suggested I bring the air sickness bags from the plane with me to the screening of his film. Eep!
Adrián García Bogliano's latest Scherzo Diabolico will also be there. I can say to his face how disgusting I find his prolific filmmaking skills to be. If his wife does not kill me then and there we will embrace like brothers.
Apart from the lengthy selection of Latin American feature films there are also a number of international titles with a lot of recognizable titles in that lineup. Ted Geoghegan's We Are Still Here. RKSS' Turbo Kid. Christian Hallman's Sensoria. Can Evrenol's Baskin. Adam Egypt Mortimor's Some Kind of Hate. Takashi Miike's Yakuza Apocalypse.
This is just the first wave, folks!
When you peruse the International shorts lineup there are two names that stand out. ScreenAnarchy's own Izzy Lee and Dr. Shelagh Rowan-Legg have short films at this year's festival! The ScreenAnarchy ladies are getting it done!
You ready to get your scroll on? Here we go. The first wave of titles for the Morbido Film Festival!
Latin American Feature Films / 1st Wave of ProgrammingALL NIGHT LONG Tamae Gareteguy & Jimena Monteoliva / ArgentinaATROZ Lex Ortega / MéxEL ESLABÓN PODRIDO Javier Diment / ArgentinaESTRELLAS SOLITARIAS Fernando Urdapilleta / MéxicoFABULAS NEGRAS Rodrigo Aragão / BrasilFRANCESCA Luciano Onetti / ArgentinaLUNA DE MIEL Diego Cohen / MéxicoNO ES DE ESTE MUNDO Paco Castillo / MéxicoOVNIS EN ZACAPA Marcos Machado / GuatemalaPLAN SEXENAL Santiago Cendejas / MéxicoPRESAGIO Matías Salinas / ArgentinaSCHERZO DIABÓLICO Adrián García Bogliano / MéxicoSENDERO Lucio A. Rojas / ChileTESTIGO ÍNTIMO Santiago Fernández Calvete / ArgentinaLargometrajes Extranjeros / 1era Ola de ProgramaciónForeign films / 1st Wave of programmingBASKIN Can Evenrol / TurquíaBUNNY THE KILLER THING Joonas Makkonen / FinlandiaCAEDES Slavko Spionjak / AlemaniaFANTASTICHERIE DI UN PASSEGGIATORE SOLITARIO Paolo Gaudio / It.FPS: FIRST PERSON SHOOTER Andreas Tom / AlemaniaGERMAN ANGST J. Buttgereit, M. Kosakowski, A. Marschall / AlemaniaGHOST THEATER Hideo Nakata / JapónHOSTILE Nathan Ambrosioni / FranciaLITCHI HIKARI CLUB Eisuke Naito / JapónLIZA THE FOX FAIRY Károly Ujj Mészáros / HungríaNERDIST PRESENTS : THE HIVE David Yarovesky / EUASENSORIA Christian Hallman / SueciaSOME KIND OF HATE Adam Egypt Mortimer / EUATHE BLACK DEATH M.R.Chalermchatri Yukol / TailandiaTHERAPY FOR A VAMPIRE David Rühm / AustriaTURBO KID F. Simard, A. Whissell, YK Whissell / CanadáVIY Oleg Stepchenko / RusiaWE ARE STILL HERE Ted Geoghegan / EUAYAKUZA APOCALYPSE Takashi Miike / JapónCortometrajes Latinoamericanos / Latin American Short FilmsA & B Luisba Fuentes / MéxicoALCACHOFAS PIRAÑAS DEL ABISMO PREHISTORICO Javier Lozano Sánchez / ArgentinaATRAVES DE LOS PARPADOS Luis Briones / MéxicoBULLETPROOF Hector Bustamante / MéxicoCARROÑA Diego Mauleon / MéxicoDEJALA IR Arie Socorro / MéxicoEL CUARTO DE ERIKA Felipe Sánchez / MéxicoHOJA SANTA César Salgado Alemán / MéxicoJANO Vadir Sotello / MéxicoLA EMPATIA DEL PSICOPATA Mac Arellano / MéxicoLAS AUTOVIUDAS Alex DíazLEVANTAMUERTOS Sofía Landgrave BarbosaLIEBRE 105 Sebastian & Federico Rotstein / ArgentinaMASACRE EN SAN JOSE Edgar Nito / MéxicoMÁSCARAS Luis Mariano García / MéxicoNUA POR DENTRO DO COURO Lucas Sa / BrasilPARALELO Rubén Garza Guzmán / MéxicoRESPIRA Ernesto Anaya Adalid / MéxicoSÂNGUE Percival Argüero / MéxicoTHE FAIREST OF THEM ALL Pepe Garcia Gilling / MéxicoTOME LA PISTOLA Y EMPIECE A DESPACHAR Eduardo Sabugal Torres / MéxicoZANATE David Torres / MéxicoCortometrajes Extranjeros / Foreign Short FilmsA LIFE Diana Tapia / Canadá + MéxicoA TRICKY TREAT Patricia Chica / CanadáAGRAVOY Jacob Nizzola / Reino UnidoALIEN TAMPON Jan Zenkner / AlemaniaANAL JUKE Kabuki Sawako / JapónANTICUPIDO Andreas Pakull / AlemaniaARCANA Jeronimo Rocha / PortugalASUNTOS DOMESTICOS Alexia Muiños / EspañaBEAUTY Rino Stefano Taliaferro / ItaliaBERLIN TROIKA Andrej Gontcharov / AlemaniaBLOODY WINTER Leonardo Pepi / ItaliaCHOCOLATE DARWIN Patxi Exequiel Aguirre / AlemaniaCOGAS Michela Anedda / Reino UnidoDERNIERE PORTE AU SUD Sacha Feiner / BélgicaDEVIL MAKES WORK Guy Soulsby / Reino UnidoDISCO INFERNO Alice Waddington / EspañaEL RITUAL DE LA FELICIDAD Carlos Ocho / EspañaEL VIDENTE Roberto Suárez / EspañaFEEDER Christian Rivers / Nueva ZelandaHAG Michael Alberts / EUAHEIR Richard Powell / EUAHERE LIES IN THE AFTERLIFE Pascal Bouchard / EUAINVADERS Jason Kupfer / EUAIRIS Richard Karpala / EUAJUEGOS PROHIBIDOS Malakias / FinlandiaKUNG FURY David Sandberg / SueciaLITCH Hannes Rössler / AlemaniaMADRE DE DIOS Gigi Saul Guerrero / CanadáMEASURE Shelagh Rowan-Legg / Reino UnidoNEVER TEAR US APART Sid Zanforlin / CanadáNIGHT OF THE CORDYCEPS Gabriel Masella / CanadáNIGHT OF THE SLASHER Shant Hamassian / EUANINJA ELIMINATOR 4 Mathieu Berthon / FranciaPHOENIX Florian Frerichs / AlemaniaPOSTPARTUM Izzy Lee / EUASABBAT Luis Calderón / EspañaSHOW ME THE CLOWNS Kate Shenton / Reino UnidoSISTER HELL Frederik S. Hana / NoruegaSLUT Chloe Okuno / EUASWEETHEART Miguel Angelo Pate / AlemaniaTEMOINAGE DE L'INDECIBLE Simon Pernollet / FranciaTHE CHICKENING Nick DenBoer & Davy Force / Canadá + EUATHE CONTRACT Chrzu / FinlandiaTHE FISHERMAN Alejandro Suarez Lozano / España + HKTHE LAKE Nathan Ambrosioni / FranciaTHE LAST SHOW Hendryk Witscherkowsky / AlemaniaTHE SUBSTITUTE Nathan Hughes-Berry / Reino UnidoTHE TRAP Dick Grunert / EUATHE UNAUTHORIZED HAGIOGRAPHY OF VINCENT PRICE Michael Lane / CanadáTHE WAGER Joss Maines / Reino UnidoTHE WITCHING HOUR Carl Firth / CanadáTHUMBSCREWS Ghost/ CanadáTIDE: THE PARADOX EFFECT Mihai Wilson & Marcella Moser /CanadaWALTER POTTER THE MAN WHO MARRIED KITTENS Ronni Thomas / EUA

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