Tag: antoinelacomblez

Friday One Sheet: OXANA

There is no point in subtlety in street protest. And the poster for French-Ukranian biopic of Oxana Chatchko aims to confront - in the movie poster context. Swearing, political slogans, and toplessness are all part of activist group FEMEN's modus operandi...

The Many Faces Of Viggo Mortensen

This week, David Oelhoffen's African western Far From Men has been released West of the Atlantic. In my review, I called it a great film, and this has in no small measure to do with its lead actor Viggo Mortensen....

Review: FAR FROM MEN, A Western In Algeria

(How can you be Far From Men when Viggo is around?) An Algeria-based western might seem like an odd idea on paper, but David Oelhoffen's Far From Men (Loin des Hommes), starring Viggo Mortensen, turns out to be a pretty...

Rotterdam 2015: What The Audiences Liked Best

(Because let's face it: what do all those artsy-fartsy-lovin' paid critics know, anyway?) Years ago, there was a time when the coming of the International Film Festival Rotterdam annoyed me. All my favorite cinemas were taken over by this event,...

Review: FAR FROM MEN, A Great Viggo Mortensen Western

(How can you be Far From Men when Viggo is around?) As a preview for the upcoming International Film Festival Rotterdam next month, loyal visitors were allowed to see one of the films already: David Oelhoffen's Algeria-based western Far From...

Melbourne 2013 Dispatch, Day 3: Kurdish Cowboys, Restricted Rebellion And Traumatic Horrors

Welcome to my coverage of the Melbourne International Film Festival. I aim to bring you daily updates over the next 17 days of the definitive three or four films that certainly got my attention, as well as links to past...