The Many Faces Of Viggo Mortensen

Editor, Europe; Rotterdam, The Netherlands (@ardvark23)
This week, David Oelhoffen's African western Far From Men has been released West of the Atlantic. In my review, I called it a great film, and this has in no small measure to do with its lead actor Viggo Mortensen. Therefore, this week's quiz will be about him.

Actors don't often come as multifunctional as Viggo Mortensen. Having grown up in in the United States, Denmark, Venezuela and Argentina, he is fluent in English, Spanish and Danish, proficient in French and Italian, and somewhat knowledgeable in several others. Apart from that, he is a musician, a writer, a poet, and a photographer. In on-set stories by cast and crew, they often describe him as a renaissance man, borderline superhuman, and a kind colleague too.

In short, if I ever grow up I want to be like Viggo Mortensen!

Therefore, once again I'm going to use a gallery of screenshots of one of my favorite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images and guess which movies (or shows) they're from! No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb.

And I'll post the answers next Thursday (earlier if someone has all fourteen of them right).

Michele "Izzy" Galgana and Dustin Chang contributed to this story.

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