Friday One Sheet: SITGES #56

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada
Friday One Sheet: SITGES #56

It cannot pass without mentioning how much the design team for the Sitges Film Festival, or rather, Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya, simply aced the key art this year.

On a creamy white field (the similar colour of an aging movie screen -- Sitges is the oldest genre festival in the world in its 56th edition this year -- blood soaked hands make shadow puppets. The dates are in the negative space. The classic King Kong (sans iconic Citadel) logo at the bottom. Different variants below place the sponsors (never dominating the poster) in different places, but they are all, indeed, fantastic.

Sometimes simplicity is the best path.


All the others variants in the thematic series are equally fantastic.


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BarcelonaCatalunyaFilm FestivalKey ArtOne SheetPosterSitgesSpain

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