Friday One Sheet: RIDDLE OF FIRE

The "Coolest debut from Cannes," according to AnOther Magazine, the poster for American indie cult-film-to-be, Riddle Of Fire, exudes rural middleschool cool. The key art is awash in warm peachy tones and early 70s pre-Amblin 'latch-key kids' vibes. Note the mushrooms and the flames, the chunky, almost Druidic font for the title card, and the green pop of colour for the writer-director. Beside the pull quote, genre festival logos adorn the top, while the credit block and production distribution logos are nicely centred at the bottom.
Little golden stars indicate the character names, the setting, and the promise of a Neo-Fairytale film. Not many film posters label their sub-genre so explicitly. The Wyoming background looks less like a post card or landscape, and more like a treasure map. Clearly, these kids with their BMX bikes and paint guns are up for whatever lies beneath the mushroom rings, in the magical wilderness beyond their homes.