Friday One Sheet: ALONE WITH YOU

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada
Friday One Sheet: ALONE WITH YOU

Now this is Photoshop done right.  The key art for Emily Bennett & Justin Brooks' Alone With You is creepy in all the right ways. Design house The Robot Eye saturates the unsettling visage with a warm, grainy tones, and keeps the visage clear from clutter, squeezing the festival logos, title, tagline, and abridged credit block down in the bottom left.

The 'shared eye' is particularly disturbing, and visually magnetic, like an optical illusion, or something 'wrong' glanced by ones peripheral vision. That right there is enough to make a memorable one sheet. Bravo.


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Alone With YouBarbara CramptonEmily BennettJustin BrooksKey ArtOne SheetPosterMeghan LaneHorrorThriller

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