The Many Faces Of Mathieu Amalric
This week sees the North American release of Arnaud Desplechin's My Golden Days, a film which, as Ben Croll states in his review, is rife with French film clichés, but still "a wonderful, thoughtfully crafted work".
And bookending the story as the older protagonist, you can see Mathieu Amalric in it, with his typical diminutive build and incredibly intense eyes. A veteran actor and director working on both sides of the Atlantic, there are few people better at playing agitated, tortured or shifty characters.
So once again I'm going to use a gallery of eleven pictures of one of my favourite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images, and guess which movies or shows they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb!
And I'll post the answers next Thursday, or earlier if someone gets all of them right...
And bookending the story as the older protagonist, you can see Mathieu Amalric in it, with his typical diminutive build and incredibly intense eyes. A veteran actor and director working on both sides of the Atlantic, there are few people better at playing agitated, tortured or shifty characters.
So once again I'm going to use a gallery of eleven pictures of one of my favourite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images, and guess which movies or shows they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb!
And I'll post the answers next Thursday, or earlier if someone gets all of them right...
Loïc Valceschini, Dustin Chang and Kurt Halfyard
contributed to this story.

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