Tag: georgerrmartin

IN THE LOST LANDS Trailer: Dave Bautista And Milla Jovovich Star in Paul W.S. Anderson's Apocalyptic Actioner

Paul W.S. Anderson looks to put in his best attempt at copying the Snyder-verse in an adaptation of the short story, In The Lost Lands, by Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin.    The official trailer and poster have...

Destroy All Monsters: GAME OF THRONES Is Better On TV. Who Needs The Books?

Spoilers for the season premiere of Game of Thrones. There's been something of a merry war among some of the ScreenAnarchy team for the last few years, ever since I published a piece in 2013 that proclaimed that HBO's Game...

GAME OF THRONES Season 6 Trailer Teases More Jon Snow

Earlier today, Variety posted the new teaser for HBO's sixth season of Game of Thrones. Knowing author George R.R. Martin's penchant for killing off everyone's favorite characters, this season of the massively popular series could be very, very interesting. As Variety also mentioned...

Destroy All Monsters: Don't Leave Me Alone In GAME OF THRONES' World

Spoilers for the latest episode of Game of Thrones. At two points in "The Mountain and the Viper," the 8th episode of this season of HBO's Game of Thrones, characters express a kind of revulsion at the idea of remaining...

GAME OF THRONES Creator George RR Martin To Be Guest Of Honor In Neuchatel

Like the headline says, the Game Of Thrones creator is headed to Switzerland as the guest of honor at this year's Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival. Read the complete news below! George R.R. Martin guest of honor at the NIFFF...

Destroy All Monsters: HBO's GAME OF THRONES Is Better Than The Books

[Now that the third season of Game of Thrones is over, I'm going to look at the series in comparison to its source novels. I will not reveal any book plot information that has not already been revealed by the...