Tag: deandevlin

New GEOSTORM Trailer Harkens Back to the Glory Days of Disaster Films

The first teaser for Geostorm showcased a wide range of destruction, as we might expect from Dean Devlin, the producer of Independence Day. The new trailer offers some of the story, and a whole bunch of Gerard Butler. Butler is,...

GEOSTORM Trailer Destroys a Wonderful World

Long-time Roland Emmerich collaborator Dean Devlin directs Geostorm, a big budget disaster movie with so much devastation it can only be described as "Emmerich-esque". Very reminiscent of The Day After Tomorrow, in which global warming turned the planet into a...

Destroy All Monsters: Movie Brands Are Ads, Not Outcomes

Independence Day Resurgence had all the makings of a mega-hit (in North America, at least): apocalyptic action, big(ish) returning stars, and most importantly in terms of what properties have netted huge returns in this decade, a nostalgia-friendly recognizable brand. So...

The Many Faces of Jeff Goldblum

This week sees Independence Day: Resurgence appear all over the world, and as fun as it sounds to see an Independence Day film in a 3D Imax, reports haven't exactly been favorable. Check Pierce Conran's review for example, which is......

Review: INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE Should Have Stayed Dead

The first movie I remember renting was Independence Day, and during the 48 hours I had it, I probably watched it six or seven times. For a young kid, the charisma of its leads, the iconic imagery of its set...

First INDEPENDENCE DAY 2 Trailer Delivers Massive Scale Propatainment? Entertanda? Let's Blow Shit Up And Shout Yay, America!

Roland Emmerich's 1996 blockbuster Independence Day was, if we're being honest, as dumb as a bag of rocks while also very, very smart about the particulars of its stupidity. A big, glossy package of "Yay, us!" escapism it was designed...

Title For INDEPENDENCE DAY Sequel Revealed

Nearly two decades after Independence Day wowed audiences with its winning combination of X-Files fuelled UFO interest, grand scale disaster movie spectacle, Top Gun style aerial heroics and Big Willy Smith himself, Roland Emmerich has called action on a sequel, which...


Our Universal Soldier Regeneration giveaway has come to an end and our congratulations go to Forrest Borie, who takes home a DVD copy of the film, and Victor Mendieta who gets the BluRay. Enjoy!...


Look deep inside yourself.  You know what you need to make you really and truly happy right now is a free copy of Jean Claude Van Damme / Dolph Lundgren reunion picture Universal Soldier Regeneration.  And not just because it...

Jean Claude. Dolph. Bad Photoshop. Must Be The New UNIVERSAL SOLDIER Trailer.

Now, having seen the third Universal Soldier film at Fantastic Fest this past September I won't go so far as to say it's a really good film, per se, but it is certainly far, far better than that horrible DVD...