Feratum 2014: Official Selection Includes TIME LAPSE, DISCOPATH, PHANTASMAGORIA, And More

The Feratum film festival surprisingly revealed the official selection for its upcoming third edition last Saturday. This announcement comes one month before the festival kicks off in the town of Tlalpujahua, Mexico, as Feratum will take place from October 2 to 5.
It seems Feratum 2014 has less renowned films than the previous edition, and in general less material, but the festival's director Miguel Marín said that there are some surprises yet to be announced. Meanwhile, check the official selection of feature length films (there's a ScreenAnarchy review or article if possible).
Animosity (dir. Brendan Steere, US)
Another (dir. Jason Bognacki, US)
Bombshell Bloodbath (dir. Brett Mullen, US)
Circus of the Dead (dir. Billy Pon, US)
Crawl or Die (dir. Oklahoma Ward, US)
Discopath (dir. Renaud Gauthier, Canada)
Watch The Opening Scene Of Groovy Canadian Slasher DISCOPATH!
Dys- (dir. Maude Michaud, Canada)
Lord of Tears (dir. Lawrie Brewster, UK)
Dave Canfield's The Stack tackles LORD OF TEARS
Meet Me There (dir. Lex Lybrand, US)
Panzer Chocolate (dir. Robert Figueras, Spain)
Todd Brown on the coming of the Nazi chocolate
Perfidy (dir. Lucio A. Rojas, Chile)
Phantasmagoria (dir. Mickael Abbate, Domiziano Cristopharo, Tiziano Martella, Italy-France)
PHANTASMAGORIA: Exclusive First Look At Horror Anthology Teaser
Pinup Dolls on Ice (dir. Geoff Klein, Melissa Mira, Canada)
Red Kingdom Rising (dir. Navin Dev, UK)
The Drownsman (dir. Chad Archibald, Canada)
Review: THE DROWNSMAN, The Super Soaker Terror Gets Too Silly At Times, by Andrew Mack
The Hanover House (dir. Corey Norman, US)
Time Lapse (dir. Bradley King, US)
Review: TIME LAPSE, A Sharply Written Indie Sci-Fi Picture, by Kurt Halfyard
Videoclub (dir. Pablo Illanes, Chile)
Review: VIDEOCLUB Is The Best Zombie Film Made In Chile So Far, by Jaime Grijalba
Desde el Más Allá (dir. Juan Carlos Blanco)
Están Aquí (dir. Sandra Becerril)
Paciente 27 (dir. Alex Alegre)
Ulises (dir. Abel Amador)
Zona Invadida (dir. Hector Campos, Ulises Meixueiro)
Muñecas Ciegas (dir. Christian González) [Out of competition]