The Many Faces Of Brendan Gleeson
This week sees the North American release of John Michael McDonagh's Calvary, starring the fantastic Brendan Gleeson. While never the handsomest man on screen, Brendan's rough exterior lends him a great authenticity, and believable physical strength. Whether he plays a bully or a savior, Brendan Gleeson is always good, and Calvary is a fine example. Quoting our Todd from his review:
I'll post the answers next Thursday (or earlier if someone gets all eight of them right).
The core of the film is Brendan Gleeson himself, his performance an absolute career highlight that deserves major awards consideration when the time comes. Father James is a complex man in a difficult situation and Gleeson brings him to rich, full blooded life.So once again I'm going to use eight close-ups of one of my favourite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images and guess which eight movies they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun. Try to see how far you get without using IMDb.
I'll post the answers next Thursday (or earlier if someone gets all eight of them right).

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