Opening In Mexico: Terrence Malick's TO THE WONDER

The legendary Terrence Malick is currently working on two films - Knight of Cups and a still untitled effort - but in Mexico his Tree of Life follow-up film, To the Wonder, has been only exhibited in the Riviera Maya Film Festival. Fortunately, things are about to change as the company Canana is releasing To the Wonder in Mexican cinemas on Friday, August 16!
To the Wonder premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, in September 2012. This is an extract from Kurt Halfyard's ScreenAnarchy review:
"Here the elusive auteur is less overtly concerned with the connections between the personal and the infinite (as he was in Tree of Life.) Yet one should consider To The Wonder a companion film, if only because it is shot and constructed in nearly the same manner; there may even be a shot or two from the previous film being re-used.
Gone, however, is the consideration of fathers & sons and the complex divide between them, or notions of boys coming of age. Here the film suggest that each age in a persons life, each chapter, however, where ever, you wish to draw the dividing lines is worthy of no regrets (as Ms. Piaf might sing.) Remaining is the invitation to cherish those discrete packages of time that inevitably, come to an end. Now like all Malick films, you can either find that a trite subject to make a film, but equally like all of the directors work, he is unabashedly earnest about it."
It's worth mentioning that the official To the Wonder title in Mexico is Deberás Amar, meaning You Shall Love. You can watch below the trailer with Spanish subtitles.