Tag: startrekintodarkness

Boozie Movies Returns To Piss In The Punch Bowl For 2013

EDITOR'S NOTE: So there is a rather strange little tid bit about the following article from our resident crazy man, Greg Christie. And it's not the article itself. Although, it's just about as outlandish as you would expect. Every time...

Destroy All Monsters: Retire Superman

While the internet is tearing itself apart in its efforts to empirically determine whether Man of Steel "sucks" or "is awesome" - because such things are now apparently possible, given Superman Returns' near-unilateral, and intellectually disturbing, dismissal - I'd like...

Destroy All Monsters: I Think We've Been This Way Before, Mr. Spock

They can remember it for you wholesale, and they do. At some point, we licensed our pop cultural nostalgia to a handful of multinational conglomerates (well, to be fair, they always owned the licenses) and now they're selling them back...

"Punch It!" - Newest Trailer for J.J.'s STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS

I must say, the project continues to look pretty exciting, even if it does seem like the end of Return of the Jedi with Kirk as Lando and Spock as Nien Nunb. What's nice is that formerly this would be...


If you can peel your eyes away from the Big Game itself -- I confess I'm presently looking over my shoulder watching the halftime show as I type this. Zowie! -- we would like to direct your attention to the...

Things Get Grim In The Latest Teaser For STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS

Anchored by a serious talking to from Bruce Greenwood's Admiral Pike to a brash and reckless Captain Kirk, the latest teaser trailer for J.J. Abrams' return to the Trek universe is perhaps a tad too self-serious, but boy, oh, boy...