Tag: machetekills

Boozie Movies Returns To Piss In The Punch Bowl For 2013

EDITOR'S NOTE: So there is a rather strange little tid bit about the following article from our resident crazy man, Greg Christie. And it's not the article itself. Although, it's just about as outlandish as you would expect. Every time...

Morelia 2013 Chingonized: Robert Rodriguez And Danny Trejo In Morelia To Present MACHETE KILLS!

Rumors turned out to be true and Robert Rodriguez is confirmed as special guest for this year's Morelia International Film Festival, kicking off on October 18. During his very first visit to a Mexican film festival, RR won't be alone...

Fantastic Fest 2013: Images From Day One - MACHETE KILLS, SEPTIC MAN, PROXY And Many More!

Welcome to the first of many galleries committed to giving you a visual essay of the treats and fun going on in Austin at Fantastic Fest this week. A small gaggle of our intrepid staff is there right now whooping...


The countdown is on until my favourite European fantastic film festival begins. In jutst a few weeks, I will be sipping rioja by the Mediterranean Sea and watching some amazing films. And the festival has just announced the next crop...

MACHETE KILLS (And Kills And Kills) In This New Red Band Trailer

What's there to say with this one? You've got Robert Rodriguez and Danny Trejo bringing back their popular assassin character. Charlie Sheen... er, excuse me, Carlos Estevez... is the president of the United States. Mel Gibson is the baddy. And...

Second MACHETE KILLS Trailer Just Feels Tired

Hands up everybody who wants to watch Robert Rodriguez make Twitter jokes while nicking visual gags from Black Dynamite! No? Nobody? Well, then, don't bother watching the new Machete Kills trailer because that's about all it has to offer, which...

Danny Trejo Sharpens His Blade In First Teaser For MACHETE KILLS

Danny Trejo is back as Machete and while the first teaser for Robert Rodriguez' latest is holding back on the crazy violence that's only to make room to show off the massive cast and Sophia Vergara's machine gun bra. Yep,...

Bang, Bang. Sofia Vergara's Wardrobe Dominates New MACHETE KILLS Poster.

There's no denying one thing: Robert Rodriguez understands his audience. Or hge at least understands what audience he wants to attract. Case in point, the new character poster from Machete Kills featuring Sofia Vergara as Lady Desdemona. Prepare for the...