CANNIBAL MUKBANG Review: You Are What You Eat

Nate Wise and April Consalo star in director Aimee Kuge's horror film.

Contributing Writer; Montreal
CANNIBAL MUKBANG Review: You Are What You Eat

Directed by Aimee Kuge, Cannibal Mukbang is a horror film with a pretty-self
explanatory title.

Nevertheless, the movie often felt like it was more so about strained human
connection. It plays with camp and stereotypes, effectively, sometimes possibly not on purpose, making it an enjoyable watch.

Mark (Nate Wise) meets Ash (April Consalo) on a 2AM run to the store. Ash is beautiful
and skinny and kind to him, which bewilders Mark, especially after he wakes up in her house.

She hit him with her car. They flirt, they bond. Mark is unaccustomed to this, awkward in a
way that clashes with the actor's conventional attractiveness. He works in customer service for a food delivery company that sponsors her mukbang streaming (videos of eating, usually large amounts of food, popular in South Korea). Later on, he finds out what she really enjoys eating.

The acting switches shot by shot from bad to good, and similarly, so does the plot's
predictability. One development at the end was particularly striking, placing both characters in a complicated emotional decision that involves loyalty to your morals or your loved ones.

The film's strongest aspect is its cinematography by Harrison Kraft, especially in the over-the-top dream sequences. Imagine a self-aware modern take on a very purple indie sleaze music video.

Cannibal Mukbang adds a lightness and romance to the cannibal film niche that
both Mimi Cave's Fresh (2022) and Luca Guadagino's Bones and All (2022), respectively, couldn't achieve, at least for this reviewer.

The film is now available on Digital and On Demand via JackRabbit Media. It will be available April 22 on Blu-ray.

Cannibal Mukbang

  • Aimee Kuge
  • Aimee Kuge
  • April Consalo
  • Nate Wise
  • Clay von Carlowitz
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Aimee KugeApril ConsaloCannibal MukbangNate WiseClay von CarlowitzHorror

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