Criterion in November 2021: ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA Box Set and Some Other Films

All I read in the latest official announcement from The Criterion Collection is that a Once Upon a Time in China box set will be forthcoming in November 2021, and then I stopped to type this.
Tsui Hark's films in the early 1990s thrilled me when I saw them on DVD in the late 1990s and I have no doubt that they will thrill me again when I watch them on Blu-ray later this year. If you have not yet had the pleasure of seeing one or more of these films, I will quote here from the official Criterion verbiage: "Collects one of the pinnacles of Hong Kong cinema's golden age, a series that launched Jet Li to international fame and set a new standard for martial-arts spectacle thanks to brilliant director Tsui Hark."
Oh, there are other good things coming from Criterion in November 2021, especially if you have a 4K-capable Bl-ray player and television, including this movie about a Kane who is a Citizen, and a Menace II Society, La Strada if you're a Fellini fan, and David Lynch's Mulholland Drive in a new deluxe edition.
But, I'm sorry high-definition buffs, my eyes keep returning to all the details on the Once Upon a Time in China box set, and it looks good enough to eat, in case my electricity goes out for nonpayment of my bills this winter. Visit the official Criterion Collection site to read all the details.