DEMON Trailer: Prepare for a Strange, Jolting Ghost Story

Before we get to the trailer for Demon, let's start with the movie itself.
"Demon is a ghost story of a different colour," according to our own Shelagh M. Rowan-Legg, "eschewing most conventional approaches to the manifestations of and reasons behind hauntings to confront a past that is too often neglected."
Shelagh began her review with these words, which I can't resist quoting because they are what I call high-quality words, arranged in precisely the right order:
"Anything you try to bury will come back to haunt you. And as many times as you bury it, it will come back, and no doubt hurt those you least want to see hurt. The past can never be escaped, and its denial will only force you to deal with it over and over.
"Such seems to be the moral of Marcin Wrona's haunting and surreal Demon, a strange ghost story set at an even stranger wedding. Mixing absurdist family comedy with the most terrifying of imagery, this is a family gathering that shakes the viewer to the core."
Her entire review from last year's edition of Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, can be read right here.
Demon will open in select theaters on September 9. If you'd like a jolt right now, watch the trailer below.