Lo-Def Chiller V/H/S Hits Theaters Today

It always feels like it's been a long wait when awards season rolls around and the hits from Sundance finally find their way into theaters. One of the most talked about films in Park City this year drops into cinemas today, though this October release is more counter-programming than Oscar-bait. Having already found a cult following during its month on VOD, that lo-def chiller is a little movie called V/H/S.
With segments from Adam Wingard, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg, Radio Silence, and David Bruckner, V/H/S is a real who's who of American indie horror. Here's what we had to say in our Sundance review:
The lo-def format plays up the nostalgia elements to great effect. Some scares hit harder than others and like any anthology, a few of the shorts are stronger. While there are some genuine scares, the focus here is squarely on keeping things entertaining. This is a great midnight movie experience and all the guys involved should be commended for putting together a tidy package of horror fun.
Read the full review here
Producer Brad Miska had this to say when we interviewed the team and him at Sundance:
"I think as an audience people are past the Texas Chainsaw, Hostel, even Paranormal Activity. While people go to see it because they like to be scared and have fun, it takes a little bit of the fun away the way they walk out of the theater. The found footage thing is that it should be fun. Horror movies should be fun. You should walk out and feel good even if it was brutal, but it's not feeling gross like you have to go take a shower."
Check out our full interview with Team V/H/S
V/H/S is distributed by Magnet and hits theaters on limited release today, Friday, October 5.