Have Your Say: David Gordon Green taking another stab at Suspiria

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada
Have Your Say:  David Gordon Green taking another stab at Suspiria
Mon Dieu!  Déjà Vu.  Suspiria redo!  It seems that the production outfit behind Hotel Rwanda and I Am Love have given David Gordon Green a fresh cash infusion to continue with the often off-again-on-again remake of Dario Argento's baroque-horror masterwork, Suspiria.  Deadline reports that Wild Bunch will be selling territory rights for this remake at Cannes, with shooting scheduled for September 2012; so things are certainly underway.

It's unclear whether people were more unhappy with the idea of the remake a few years ago when the Arkansas-born director was as known for his indie-regional classics George Washington and All The Real Girls, or right now, when he is known for goofy stoner-comedies, Your Highness and The Sitter.

Looking for a 2014 Suspiria?  Suspicious of David Gordon Green?  Have your say.
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