The Squid Monster Is Coming. Time To Get Pissed.

Though principal photography has just begun Sony Pictures has already snapped up UK rights to Jon Wright's Grabbers. And good on 'em for doing it because I haven't seen a horror-comedy pitch with this much promise for ages.
With production scheduled to wrap up in January and the producers expecting a solid year of post production to get the creature effects just right this one is looking at a 2012 release. Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley and Russell Tovey star.An idyllic remote Irish fishing village - replete with twinkly-eyed eccentric Waking Ned Devine characters - is invaded by enormous tentacled creatures from the sea who are picking off the villagers one at a time. The inhabitants learn that the one thing the creatures don't like is alcohol, it makes people taste horrible, so they realize that in order to stay alive, they're going to have to get as pissed as possible.
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