Tag: hrantalianak
PONTYPOOL CHANGES...into a play. Shhhhh...get yer tix
A dialogue about how to kill people- specifically actors. It seems like as good a place as any for this story. Pontypool Changes Everything by Tony Burgess is a great novel. It has seen the light of day as a...
Sitges 09: PONTYPOOL Review
True story. For five years when I was fresh out of college I worked full time in a pair of homeless shelters here in Toronto. In that time I dealt with skinheads, crack dealers, street hookers and more. I had...
Audio. Odd. I.O. Ponty. Pool. Pontypool. The Radio Play.
A fan of Bruce McDonald's Pontypool? (we are) Or perhaps you think the scenario would have worked better as a Welles-esque War of The Worlds radio play. Well the BBC has exactly that, a production from Tony Burgess's radio-play using...