Tag: billymilionis

"Where does that leave me?" Uninhabited Review

Uninhabited is text book horror, sadly it is not a debut directorial effort from Bill Bennett as it feels at times like a student production. It does nothing to redefine the genre; it has no new tricks, just tired, overused...

Need proof romantic getaways are a bad idea? Watch this 'Uninhabited' trailer...

As Australia experiences a surge in genre fare everyone's a winner and the choices of horror films just keep increasing. And Bill Bennett's Uninhabited should quell any desires your better half should have about getting away for a romantic weekend....

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of horror: UNINHABITED gets new poster!!

Right back to early cult classics Wake in Fright, Razorback and Roadgames, Australian films have loved grabbing bright-eyed tourists and putting them in extreme danger.Now, thanks to the more recent success of Wolf Creek and Black Water, "tourists-in-peril" is now an...