Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of horror: UNINHABITED gets new poster!!

Right back to early cult classics Wake in Fright, Razorback and Roadgames, Australian films have loved grabbing bright-eyed tourists and putting them in extreme danger.
Now, thanks to the more recent success of Wolf Creek and Black Water, "tourists-in-peril" is now an entire Aussie genre and the next few years promises to give audiences a bucketload of terrifying movies that pit travellers against all sorts of craziness in the outback.
The latest entry in the genre is Uninhabited - from seasoned director Bill Bennett (The Nugget, Kiss or Kill), who may not consistently make quality but at least consistently makes movies - and we have the new poster!
And who says you can't work a Zoolander quote into everything you do?
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