Jonas Arnby's WHEN ANIMALS DREAM Picked Up By Radius-TWC For U.S.

It was only the beginning of last week when we first drew your attention to Danish filmmaker Jonas Arnby's feature debut, When Animals Dream. Now, news out of Berlin via Variety is that Radius-TWC, the genre arm of The Weinstein Company, has snatched up U.S. rights for the film.
"It's extremely hard these days to find a groundbreaking genre film, but When Animals Dream is that rare gem indeed. I haven't been excited in Berlin since buying Let the Right One In," said Tom Quinn, prexy of TWC-Radius.
That is mighty high praise for a film that has only been presented in snippets and is still in post. To be mentioned in the same breath as the highly touted Swedish vampire flick is great news. It certainly will raise expectations from genre film fans around the world now. No pressure, Mr. Arnby.
Animals has also been picked up by Madman for Australia, Altitude Film for U.K., Prokino for Germany and Odeon for Greece. It was repped by French studio Gaumont, which has described the film as "Let The Right One In mixed with Carrie".
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