Liam Neeson Crashes A Plane And Punches A Wolf In First Teaser For THE GREY

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Liam Neeson Crashes A Plane And Punches A Wolf In First Teaser For THE GREY

Liam Neeson. Will. Not. Die. You can crash his plane in sub-zero temperatures. You can send a pack of wolves after him. But he just won't stop.

Clearly director Joe Carnahan spotted something appealing in the indestructible nature of his A-Team star because the two are back together for The Grey, in which Neeson leads a small band of men trying to survive a plane crash in Alaska.

A group of oil-rig roughnecks are left stranded on the sub-arctic tundra after their plane experiences a complete mechanical failure and crashes into the remote Alaskan wilderness. The survivors, battling mortal injuries, biting cold and ravenous hunger, are relentlessly hunted and pursued by a vicious pack of rogue wolves.
While Carnahan has been a bit lost in the blockbuster wilderness since his stunning breakthrough picture Narc this one seems to find a better balance. You've got the big commercial moments, sure, but you also have something more character based and I'm hoping that fusion pays off. Check out the trailer below.

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