Tag: socialmedia

Fantasia 2023 Review: HOME INVASION, On the Tyranny of Technology and Surveillance

Greame Arnfield really, really does not like the Ring. No, not the infamous J-Horror film (or its American remake) but rather the video doorbell company that turned the humble little button that goes ding-dong into the “smart doorbell,” a cloud connected...

Calgary Underground 2022 Review: WE MET IN VIRTUAL REALITY, Authentic Feel-Good Experience

The Metaverse is coming. But before we get to that future dystopia, be it Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash or Zuck’s cringey-what-have-you, there is this charming little cafe-stop along the way.   Joe Hunting’s We Met In Virtual Reality is a surprisingly...

Toronto 2018 Review: NON-FICTION, A Comedy That Is Both Social And Media

"More people read my blog than my books," decries one of the characters in Olivier Assayas's latest film, Non-Fiction. The response from another is, that those blog readers are more likely than anyone else to buy those books. And a...

Fantasia 2018 Review: PROFILE Plays A Horrific Game With Online Identity

"You would never lie to me," asks Abu Bilel Al-Britani, a hunkish and charming Jihadi recruiter for ISIS, as he skypes from with Amy Whittaker in her South London flat. But we are well into the age of online 'Catfishing,' and Amy...