Tag: shaulschwarz

Eric Ortiz Garcia Picks The Best And Worst Mexican Cinema Of 2014

I watched as many Mexican films as possible this year and still couldn't make a top 10 of favorites. Some of the Mexican movies that were acclaimed in 2014 (Workers and The Naked Room, for example) were 2013 for me;...

Ambulante 2014: ScreenAnarchy Picks 10 Must-See Documentaries

While Ambulante 2014 kicked off yesterday in downtown Mexico City with a public screening of The Square, today (1/31) is the first real day of activities. More than thirty Mexico City venues are ready to offer documentaries from this Friday...

INEDIT-NESCAFE: Musical Documentaries In Chile. An Overview.

The Inedit Film Festival is a travelling endeavour that goes around the world showing documentaries and films that have the music as their main selling point, any kind of music and any type and genre of film is accepted, and...

Review: NARCO CULTURA, A Collision Between Drugs, Music, And Murder

It's all fun and games until your children are murdered in the street. A blood-boiling documentary, Narco Cultura explores the intersection of mass murder and pop culture in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, where the murder toll skyrocketed tenfold from 2007 to...

Fantastic Fest 2013 Review: NARCO CULTURA, A Collision Between Drugs, Music, And Murder

It's all fun and games until your children are murdered in the street. A blood-boiling documentary, Narco Cultura explores the intersection of mass murder and pop culture in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, where the murder toll skyrocketed tenfold from 2007 to...