Tag: nicolebeharie
Sundance 2025 Review: LOVE, BROOKLYN, Performance-Led Romantic Triangle Engages, Enthralls, Entertains
A catch-all phrase popularized over a decade ago by Meta (formerly Facebook), “It’s complicated,” meant to describe romantic relationships that didn’t fall into one particular category or another, finds its clearest, nearest, and obviously it’s most recent application in director...
Now On Demand: Nicole Beharie Leads MISS JUNETEENTH
You had me at Nicole Behaire. The actress starred on TV's Sleepy Hollow, a show that consistently impressed me during its first season, especially, with its mixture of wry humor and spooky storytelling. Behaire portrayed a local police lieutenant with...
Review: 42 Offers a Nice, Pleasant Version of Jackie Robinson's Story
The closest 42 comes to revealing anything about the actual personality or character of Jackie Robinson -- the first black player in Major League Baseball -- is when he privately expresses frustration at being beholden to someone for a kindness....
Hollywood Beat: The Grouch-ification of Harrison Ford
When did Harrison Ford get so grouchy? The trailer for 42, Brian Helgeland's bio-pic that opens on Friday, April 12, reveals Ford as the growling, threatening Branch Rickey, the real-life Brooklyn Dodgers baseball executive who picked Jackie Robinson as the...