EMILIA PÉREZ Trailer: Glorious Women, Music & Guns

Editor, Canada; Montréal, Canada (@bonnequin)
EMILIA PÉREZ Trailer: Glorious Women, Music & Guns

With the official trailer for Emilia Pérez dropping today, I'm still not entirely sure what the film is about, or how all these women fit together. I do know what French auteur Jacques Audiard is capable of, with films as diverse as The Beat My Heart Skipped, Rust and Bone, A Prophet, and The Sisters Brothers under his belt. I know that its amazing cast of women - Karla Sofía Gascón, Zoe Saldaña, and Selena Gomez - won a rare collectice acting award at Cannes Film Festival. I know it's a musical and there are drug cartels and a transwoman finally realizing her transition and a lot of fabulous hair and costumes and some serious violence. It's definitely an unusual combination of factors, and we are here for it.

Rita, an underrated lawyer working for a large law firm more interested in getting criminals out of jail than bringing them to justice, is hired by the leader of a criminal organization.

Honestly, that's all I want to know. The film will have a limited theatrical release in November, and will be on Netflix on November 13th, in Canada, the USA, and the UK. Check out the trailer and pictures below.

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Jacques AudiardThomas BidegainNicolas LivecchiZoe SaldanaKarla Sofía GascónSelena GomezComedyCrimeMusical

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