AN EVENING WITH BEVERLY LUFF LINN: The New Poster And Trailer For Jim Hosking's Next Film
It is a case of better late than never, letting you know that there is a new poster and trailer for Jim Hosking`s next feature film An Evening With Beverly Luff Linn.
Hosking's made many kinds of impressions a couple years ago with the very absurd and slippery Greasy Strangler, He looks to be in form top with the absurdisms once again. For those of you who were not fond of the lubed up willy wonka from Greasy Strangler will be pleased to know that there appears to be none of that in this new film.
Rest assured you can watch the trailer below, with limited ick factor, and not be grossed out.
Lulu Danger's unsatisfying marriage takes a turn for the worse when a mysterious man from her past comes to town to perform an event called "An Evening With Beverly Luff Linn; For One Magical Night Only.”
Screen Anarchy Festivals Editor Ryland caught the film at Sundance and in a dispatch article wrote this of Hosking`s new film...
He's back just two years later with his same bonkers comedic style in tow in An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn. While the two films share enough similarities to greatly please Greasy Strangler fans (and to discourage anyone who wasn't), the big difference is that where that film was a midnight movie wrapped in Hosking weirdness, Beverly Luff Linn is a romantic comedy at its core. This may sound antithetical to a brand of humor that relies heavily on awkward people yelling bizarre things at each other, but it's a total success. While Hosking's wit and commitment take much of the credit, his secret weapon is the incredible casting that centers around Aubrey Plaza, Jemaine Clement, and Craig Robinson.
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