SONGS SHE WROTE ABOUT PEOPLE SHE KNOWS: Take A Trip To The Hotel California In This Exclusive Clip

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
SONGS SHE WROTE ABOUT PEOPLE SHE KNOWS: Take A Trip To The Hotel California In This Exclusive Clip
Kris Elgstrand's TIFF-selected musical comedy Songs She Wrote About People She Knows begins the Toronto leg of its public release tomorrow night at the Carlton Cinemas - with the director hosting an evening of alcohol fueled, audience participation songs they wrote about people they know welcome sort of affair at the nearby Imperial Pub following the screening - and for those wondering why they should give this quirky Canadian comedy a look, here you go: A new clip!

Carol discovers how to lose friends and alienate people when she starts singing songs she wrote about people she knows.
Take a look at the clip below!

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clipComedyKris ElgstrandMusicalsongs she wrote about people she knowstrailerBen CottonMarilyn NorryMatty FinochioBronwen SmithMusic

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