Slamdance 2015 Exclusive Clip: Share The Joy Of CONCRETE LOVE

Editor, U.S.; Richmond, Virginia (@filmbenjamin)
Slamdance 2015 Exclusive Clip: Share The Joy Of CONCRETE LOVE
ScreenAnarchy is proud to present an exclusive clip from the Slamdance selected Concrete Love, a documentary by Maurizius Staerkle Drux about the Böhms, a renowned family of German architects in their third generation. The film is a marvel of filmmaking, an intimate and immaculate portrait of a fascinating family. My full review can be read here, and you can watch the clip below, where patriarch Gottfried visits his brother for a game of ping pong.

CONCRETE LOVE / INT. EPK / PingPong from Lichtblick Film on Vimeo.

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architectureBöhmBöhm familyconcrete lovedocumentaryMaurizius Staerkle Druxslamdance 2015Chaun ConsciousJoellah WilliamsDarnell SpenceDrama

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