Watch Zoe Bell RAZE Some Hell In This New Trailer!

Hey. I did not make up that bad pun. I am only repeating what this new trailer for female fighter flick Raze says at the end. Sometimes the punning is done for you, you know? Raze is due for release in a limited theatrical run on January 10th and IFC Midnight have a new trailer for drum up further interest in the film. It stars frequent Tarantino collaborator Zoe Bell and has some hardcore chick fighting throughout.
Awakening after being abducted, JAMIE finds herself in a concrete bunker, and she discovers that she is not alone. She and SABRINA, a fellow abductee, both soon realize that they are in a modern day "coliseum" where, along with 48 other women, they are condemned to kill each other in order to protect their very own loved ones.
When it screened at Tribeca our own Christopher Bourne had this to say about the film,
A brutal, relentless machine of neo-exploitation, Josh Waller's debut feature has been described as a take on the women-in-prison movie, but this is one without an ounce of prurience or campy winking at the audience.The fights between the women, which are numerous and increasingly graphic, have none of the balletic martial-arts styles that are often associated with films like this. While there are some references to jujitsu and a couple of other fighting styles common to mixed martial arts (the female cast are all trained fighters), heads and bodies being bashed against walls and pounded into mush are the lingua franca of these battles.
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