Andy Lau And Sammi Cheng To Star In Johnnie To's BLIND DETECTIVE

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Andy Lau And Sammi Cheng To Star In Johnnie To's BLIND DETECTIVE
Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng have been a go-to pair for Hong Kong director Johnnie To whenever he steps into rom-com mode. The trio have worked together repeatedly on titles such as Love On A Diet, Yesterday Once More and Needing You and now they are finally going to team up on the sort of crime thriller that To is best known for outside of Hong Kong.

Production begins this month on Blind Detective, a thriller that sees Cheng play a cop who teams up with a blind man - Andy Lau - to solve a case. As per usual, To has multiple projects on the go simultaneously so it is literally anyone's guess as to when the Media Asia backed project may be complete.
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Johnnie ToRyker ChanKa-Fai WaiNai-Hoi YauXi YuAndy LauSammi ChengKerry ChanYuanyuan GaoComedyCrimeDrama

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