Animated MY DOG TULIP gets Distribution

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada
Animated MY DOG TULIP gets Distribution
Very happy about this news. Paul and Sandra Fierlinger's DIY animated feature, My Dog Tulip, the story about a gay man and his Alsatian bitch, based on a memoir of J.R. Ackerley and featuring the stacked voice cast of Christopher Plummer, Lynn Redgrave and Isabella Rossellini just became the first title on the resurrected New Yorker Films label.  I am not even a dog lover and this film made my heart melt over its 80 minutes.  No small feat for a film which is pretty much a record of the sex life of a dog.  A rare animated film for adults that can also appeal (perhaps on some level) to children even if most of it goes way past their heads.

My Dog Tulip will be released September 1, 2010 at New York's Film Forum with a limited release to follow. 

Via Indiewire (and hat tip to Jeffrey Wright for being on Twitter)
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Paul FierlingerSandra FierlingerJ.R. AckerleyChristopher PlummerLynn RedgraveIsabella RosselliniPeter GeretyAnimationDrama

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